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In conjunction with the Herman Mark Symposium celebrating 650 years of the University of Vienna:

Roundtable of Ideas - Nanocellulose 2015

September 26-28th 2015

University of Vienna, Austria


Boost and share knowledge of the state-of-the-art research in (nano)cellulose and their composites. We attract a mix of scientific and industrial participants, from fundamental science to application driven research. We seek to promote interaction and knowledge exchange through our forum focused sessions and attractive social program. All participants can get hands-on experience measuring surface and bulk properties of nanocellulose as part of our Knowledge Transfer Forum. The myths behind scientific publishing will be decrypted in our Editor Forum. This meeting is the chance to catch up on the latest innovations and ideas in nanocellulose, it is not-to-be-missed - we look forward to meeting you in Vienna.


Pictures of the event

Institut für Materialchemie & Forschung
Währingerstraße 42
1090 Wien

T: +43-1-4277-713 01
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0